140 year of Shriners

140 year of Shriners

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Arizona Grand Master out of Hospital

More details on MW Bill Garrard:
The GM was released from the hospital yesterday (8/13), earlier than anticipated.  He is at home resting(?).  He is still weak and needs lots of doctor visits to monitor how well he is doing and has not been released to drive at this time.
The Master (Andrew) did visit Bill at home this morning.  On behalf of all of Arizona No. 2, Andrew let Bill know that if anything was needed he can call on anyone of us.  Bill was up and about, but you could tell by his voice the ordeal he and his family have gone through this past 9 days.
From WM Andrew:  I had a good visit with GM Bill this morning.  We talked for about 1.1/2 hours.  He related his experience both before and in the hospital.  The excellent help he received from the Firemen that arrived first at his home.  He is looking well.  Still weak and should be taking it easy for a while.  He is anxious to get back to the Grand Master's work.  He thanked everyone for their prayers and the card that was signed by the many Brothers that were at the Lodge at the Stated meeting.  He is trying to get a little (small amount) of exercise in.  He was kept in ICU after the problem with his medication last week.  This was a good thing, so that they could keep a good watch on him while adjusting his medication.  He described much of the effects of last Monday when he had his heart attach as well as the results of all of the invasive procedures done at the hospital.  Truly an awakening.  He has many bruises from Iv's, incisions, etc.  Time should heal all.  He has the Brotherhood on his mind, but I told him, health first, Masonry will survive.  I do believe that God watched over him during this trying time.  He does miss all of the Brothers and can't wait to be at Lodge again.
Reminder:  NO VISITORS, unless you get an OK from April.  Bill needs his rest.  Also, his phone is ringing off of the hook.  Please keep any calls to a minimum.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
God Bless the Grand Master (and April for all she has gone through and will continue to in helping Bill get back to himself).
Thank you.

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