140 year of Shriners

140 year of Shriners

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Treadmills Burn

Treadmills can burn more than calories

Trying to reach that New Year's resolution with a new treadmill? Before jumping on, make sure young children are in a safe spot.

Doctors at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Cincinnati have seen a steady increase in hand burns caused by exercise treadmills over the last six years.

Theresa Mayes, RD, a mother of three young children and a Finneytown resident, became concerned with the increase in these injuries. So a few years ago, she went beyond her work as a clinical dietitian at Shriners Hospital and developed a poster about treadmill safety. "The contact burn from a treadmill is often a third-degree burn and it can take the skin right off, requiring a skin graft," said Mayes.

Of the many cases seen at the Cincinnati burn hospital, most of them heal quickly with minimal scarring, but the pain with the initial injury and ongoing rehabilitation can be very scary.

Treadmill use and safety tips:

* Never let a child play on or near a treadmill.

* Always unplug the treadmill or other exercise equipment when not in use.

* Provide continuous supervision and keep children away from the treadmill when in use; use a playpen.

* Consider using the treadmill when young children are not in your "direct" care (napping, preschool or under the care of another responsible person in the home).

* For older children, set firm limits that they are not to "play" on the treadmill.

* Seek proper medical attention if a child is injured on a moving treadmill.

* Copies of the poster are available from Shriners Hospitals by e-mailing dheckler@shrinenet.org.

1 comment:

gigi said...

I know first hand the danger of treadmills! Just last week my soon to be 4 year old recieved third degree friction burns from a treadmill. I was unaware of the risk she was in until after the fact. She will be having surgery to prevent scar tissue from forming and skin grafts in the future. I do not think many people are aware of the risks treadmills pose to curious children!
Thank you for writing about this issue and bringing it to the public!