140 year of Shriners

140 year of Shriners

Monday, June 4, 2012

UC Davis & Shriners

Sigma Fitness Challenge to benefit Shriners Hospital

Members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. at UC Davis will host their first “Sigma Fitness Challenge for Shiners Hospital” on Sunday.
The event, which is open to the public, will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Russell Field on the UCD campus.
The first of what is planned to be an annual event will consist of five-person teams navigating an eight-station obstacle course filled with both physical and mental challenges. The team that completes the obstacle course fastest will be declared the winner.
A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to Shriners Hospital, a nationally renowned medical center known for providing the highest quality care to children with a multitude of life-threatening illnesses and injuries.
“As a member of the UC Davis football team, we have had the opportunity to visit the hospital each year to uplift the spirits of the children receiving medical care at Shriners,” said Kevyn Lewis, president of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and also a member of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity at UCD, in a news release.
“I feel as an active member of a fraternity, that it is very important to find ways to give back to the community. This event will not only provide a physical and mental challenge to those who participate, but will help support Shriners Hospital.”
The cost to participate is $25 for each team of five. Advance registration is encouraged but registration also will be accepted on the day of the event.
For more information, or to pre-register a team, call Lewis at (916) 205-4944 or email him at kevlewis@ucdavis.edu.

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