140 year of Shriners

140 year of Shriners

Monday, October 28, 2013

Order of the Rainbow for Girls Fundraiser for Shriners Hospital

By Marisa DeCandido 

Bismarck's Order of the Rainbow for Girls held its first Spaghetti Luncheon today to raise money for a good cause - the Shriners Children's Hospital.

The lunch was all you can eat with a suggested donation of five dollars. The group chose Shriners as its charity this year because its advisor is a pre-med student, and the Rainbow Girls will use the money for hand-made tie blankets for children at the hospital.

"It gives them a little comfort as they travel back and forth because there's lots of kids coming from really small areas that takes a couple hours to get here and that way they have some sort of comfort and relaxation before they go and see all the doctors," says Bismarck Rainbow Girls Advisor, Jenny Galbraith. 

The Rainbow Girls are also selling homemade pies for the holidays. If you're interested, you can call the group at 701-226-6984. 

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